Sunday, October 18, 2015

for want of a field day on a supposed field day

Today felt like one of those "throw in the towel" days.

When work went haywire, and crept into my personal life. My set apart time with God. The few times I had to set my phone on normal to reply people and emails to ready a launch that was delayed for the day. Snuck in to church at 6.30pm, occupied throughout dinner with messages and calls, checking my phone every now and then on the way home with Han Yang. All these while still running on adrenaline (no sleep on thursday night with extremely unproductive report writing, i even went out for a jog after finishing the report at 5.30am).

Adrenaline's about to run out, and I am cranky.

It led me to think about the nights I nodded off with the lights on, the times I had had to cancel/ postpone a meet up for the sake of rushing a report, the number of pimples I've seen pop out due to stress/ no exercise/ bad sleeping habits.

I'm overwhelmed by an avalanche of work-related things that still need to be settled lest it piles on me when I get back to office on Monday.

Drawing close to the source tonight - I need you Lord, more than ever.

I once was a carefree hipster, doing whatever that interested and pleased, changing hobbies every other day and going around school in my tees and boxers, tying hammocks and reading in them. Now, as an adult with responsibilities (ahem), I struggle with the great disparity in the heaviness of  the work when measured against personal life- but still I find comfort in knowing that things are in control with His Almighty.

I guess, I'd rather do things with You. And Han Yang, who keeps me grounded and cheery just by being himself.

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hola 你好 selamat datang