Saturday, April 23, 2016

Shiokness is..

Waking up early on a saturday morning, going for a morning swim with minimal sun, buying miscellaneous girl necessities that have been on the to-buy list since forever, eating fried pumpkin cake and 豆浆油条for breakfast. 

It is now raining, which makes me feel happier that I managed a swim. 

No longer am I depressed by the mountains of work when weekend comes around. 

(Only because work has started to get a little less breathless.)

This was two weeks ago at the Same Same but Different Maker's fest. 

Despite the craziness of work, I attempted to have a life by teaching people how to make their own light fixtures. There were loads of cool workshops that day too! I got loads of freebies that I did not need, like canvas tote bags. All it all, it was nice to just have fun with people who wanted to learn crafty stuff, and talk to like-minded people about social causes and all. If only I could drown in crafts every day and not use my left brain so much. It hurts from processing numbers.

I am a taobao bride for the weekend! Gonna be buying tons of stuff. Ciao.

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hola 你好 selamat datang