what remapped the course of my year, and possibly, life. |
one year ago, i received this emailer. my default would have been to mass delete my mess of an inbox. but strangely, i felt i had to go for it. so for the first time in my 5 years of school, i turned up at an extra curricular event.
to cut the long story short,
i met jo there. she linked me up with 'a friend of hers, who is madly passionate about changing education'. so i met up with terence, who was venturing into 'education technology' (yawn). but somehow, through that conversation, there was an alignment of ideals and dreams for the same purpose. it didn't take much for me to decide to plunge into it. in my words, it just 'felt right'.
and yes. one year on, i am still at Epiphany Education.
and i am still as idealistic about changing the trajectory of the education landscape in Singapore. i guess you'd reckon that i have possibly either gone mad, or am pretty damn sure about this education deal.
between then till now, what has changed?
there have been days that i've been convinced that it's not gonna work out. it's like being brought on a roller coaster ride, and getting strung along without knowing where you're headed off to next. 1.5 months into this venture, i really wanted to drop out of it. i couldn't see how we could come in to help education, my family was going through a tough patch, i didn't want to spend so much of my time at work, my personal finances weren't good. but deep down inside i knew that it was that fear to commit, that fear to give up other aspects of my life, that fear that i had to work too much and too hard. excuses, excuses. at the crux of it, i wanted to know whether God had a plan for me in this.
i went into a meeting with terence with 80% of me wanting to back out of it.
but somehow i couldn't find any compelling reason but 'fear' that was driving me to leave. i had already wanted to quit without even trying. it was just like every other thing in my life that i had signed up for.
it was a time that i grew in my faith and reassurance in the Lord. stop looking for signs when the truth is rooted in prayer and my Word. seek for answers in me and no one else. that was then that i knew God was going to grow me, and the whole process wasn't gonna be comfortable at all.
but things got better at home. it was a matter of being intentional. finances fell into place. at work, i struggled to define my job scope, doing things here and there with little efficiency. i was a bum who always thought there were other more meaningful things to focus on in life than work. but i realise now, that i had been too fearful to fall. there are still things that i know are eternal compared to what i'm striving towards at work, but i have learnt to strike a balance.
it has only been of late that we've started to build processes to improve efficiency and focus on delivering. a year back, i would never have imagined that i'd be running a company. to be honest, it would have been much simpler if i were to just be taking instructions from someone. but i guess this is where i am getting moulded all the time.
when the going gets tough, i get reminded that that is when the tough gets going, and i am always encouraged by the things that the Lord puts in place for me so that i can concentrate on doing work right. these opportunities and potential tie-ups with companies, the favourable feedback when we talk to people, the groundwork that drives us to work towards our goals, the amazing colleagues that i work with, the great mix of work and fun that we have during office and off-office hours.
just 4 nights back, we had reunion dinner, and 8 of us, stuffed silly in a car and cracking weird jokes. just 2 nights back, i ended work at 1030pm, half dead from the late nights that i had been having. but yet despite all these, i know that
monday meetings epitomise how we attempt to walk the talk. even though they are constantly punctuated with poor attempts at jokes, sharings remind me how blessed i'm to be part of a company that wants not only to deliver a product, but a value to the world.
a perfect example of how conversations unfold in the office |
one year on, and i can't wait to grow this further. i know, there will still be late nights, there will still be more sunday nights of feeling this dread of waking up early on monday mornings, but i know what i'm building, and i know when His hand is guiding me, all i need to do is to give my best.
xmas' 12. heh. actually only 3 of us here still work at Epiphany. |
one year on, it can only get more awesome from here!