Tuesday, June 28, 2016

less than 3

fever, cold sweat, muscle aches, diarrhea (20 times, and counting).
this isn't fun at all.

also, not if you end up working from home while on MC.

the upside is, my mum and bro have been complete sweethearts - they walked me to the clinic yesterday, have been preparing meals for me and kept me company with past 2 days. so thankful for them.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Fine artistry

I love the #MadeInSingapore series by Channel News Asia! It's so inspiring to hear of these old trades being kept alive, and new trades being picked up by millennials:

Dizi and erhu

Sarong kebaya embroidery

Bespoke leather shoes

Gives me so much inspiration, (and makes me wonder what I am doing, haha. Quell my pragmatism please.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Never again.

Had a rather crazy Monday morning. On top of having Monday blues from doing extremely little work over the weekend, I just had to misplace my laptop on the bus because I was busy on my phone! Only realised it when I went into the MRT, sat down and thought "EH. How come my load feels.. light? Extremely light."

Mad rush to call lost and found hotline for SBS. No one picked up. Called mum to confirm that it wasn't left at home. Got berated by her. Got on a cab to New Bridge Road, where the bus service ended. In the meantime, called EZ-link to enquire for the bus plate number.

Got directed to transitlink. Called transitlink. Got directed again back to SBS, but on a different number. Operator took down my details, told me he would call in 30 minutes time.

Reached New Bridge Road, went to the office, made a report. 20 minutes later, a welcoming sight of my laptop in the arms of the staff at the office.

I've things to be thankful for, despite the rather bleak start to my day. I know I was sort of expecting my laptop to be returned, because I've always had pleasant experiences with lost and found! But my colleague told me that another ex-colleague had lost her laptop for good after leaving it behind in a taxi. I realised that I've just been really really lucky.

About 2 months back, I also made a horrible mistake of misplacing the phone in a taxi late at night. I usually check the seat to ensure that all my stuff were taken. This time around, I gave that customary glance, but it was so dark. I had dropped it while taking out cash for payment. Realised it when only I got home. Called my phone repeatedly. It rang for a while, and then for some reason, after a few rings, directed me to the operator. I thought "GG already. Confirm found by some crappy passenger." Continued to ring the phone multiple times. 5 minutes later, some one picked up! Some passenger going to Toa Payoh, and taxi uncle said he would make a U turn back to pass the phone back to me! I really couldn't believe it. I told him I could go collect from him, but he was insistent to come all the way back. I was so happy and bleeding with thankfulness. After much insistence, he accepted my token of gratitude (guised as 打油费). After today, I'm thankful beyond words to come across such honest people. I really think people in Singapore are generally honest. How else to explain how I manage to get such items back, multiple times?

Also, from my experience, the police takes their cases very seriously. My sis lost a phone on the bus once, and made a report just for the sake of reporting it lost. A few months later, she received a call that her phone had been found! They reviewed the CCTV in the bus and caught the culprit.

I may not be lucky when it comes to winning lucky draws (never won any in my life), but when it comes to finding lost stuff, I am more than thankful for the favour upon me. Though, someone stole $300 from me once in Vietnam.

Time to stop being so careless though!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Making my own Cheongsam

This year, I made it a point to spend at least 5 hours every week on something that I like.

And it has paid off handsomely because I managed to make my own Cheongsam! It's my first successful attempt - the last time I attempted to make my own prom dress when I was 16, it failed terribly. I don't know what possessed Huiyi and I to think that it would turn out well. It was silver, and shimmery, and a disaster. Haha. Oh well, I will let pictures do the talking!

I searched spotlight for hours but couldn't find cheongsam dress patterns in spotlight. So I took an old cheongsam that I no longer wanted and took the seams apart. Used it as a template for my dress pattern. My first attempt but I decided to go ambitious with a lace back cos I've been looking at so many photos of wedding cheongsams and their backs are all so gorgeous.

My first mistake - was trying to iron interfacing onto the seams and got impatient cos it wasn't sticking and set the temperature on overdrive. My poor lace couldn't take the heat and melted! Luckily it was salvage-able with a few stitches.

70% done. I was so impatient with the rouleau loops cos I had to hand sew them on one by one! There were 22 loops in total for the back. The invisible zip had to be sewn on by hand too cos I didn't have a foot for invisible zippers.

Finally done! My 'S' mannequin wears it perfectly, but the lace is loose at the back for me cos I'm flat chested :(

Upclose of the extremely chio back which I spent many hours on! I think I spent half the time on this. This chio back is extremely impractical because you can't wear the dress by yourself without missing out a few buttons/ spraining your back. I guess that's why only wedding cheongsams are made like that.

My mummy wore it, and she liked it a lot, and requested one for herself too. 
This time, no crazy backs like that.
The weekend has arrived! My room is in a mess, and I've tons of designing/ craft to do for the wedding. Ambitious me, I am heading a huge craft project with the help of a few friends, and bought so much stuff from taobao! I've plain tote bags, glass bottles, leather, lip balm cases, paints and many more things lying all around my room. I'm aghast by its state.
I've decided also to blog more about DIYing the wedding with the help of taobao, cos it's been a huge help to me despite my busy schedule. And I realise not a lot of people blog about such things. Maybe it will help them or something.
After my wedding dresses all arrive, I'm gonna do a blog on how to order wedding dresses on taobao!   


this is my cute sister in peru with a couple of my llama friends' cousins, the alpaca. hee :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

my love

17 days. I am gonna miss you. </3 :'(

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


i guess i never want to give with the expectation of receiving anything, but once in a while, you receive something totally unexpected that encourages you that the stuff that you're putting time and effort into does impact:
this just warms my heart. <3

Friday, June 3, 2016


我们欢迎 君王降临
渴望看见 祢的彰显
呼求祢来翻转 震动这土地

我们欢迎 君王降临
同心高举 祢圣洁的名
呼求天窗打开 春雨不停息


finally understanding this kainos deal.

this is what church is about:
films always hit me at the right spots. this one did, 10 fold. a story of our senior pastor. it's funny how God changes and renews us, into a better us. in this case, from apathetic to passionate and compassionate. i couldn't have imagined how he was like back then, but what i can say is this - through these 2 days of conference, it has all the more affirmed my convictions that i know who i'm living for.

to love and serve our amazing God. 

and this short just makes me realise how much i'm thankful for my church and how loving and serving God together has a profound motivation on my journey in life. yes, knowing God is personal, but i've drawn so much love and strength from my church from being with them. perfect people we are not, but we get past that because we're forgiven by God everyday. broken people we may still be, but we are pursued by His endless, relentless love for us - He makes us whole when we come to Him giving Him our heart.

my life of late has been a renewal of some sorts. physically - that my office has moved to an area that i very much prefer, both inside and out. it's such a quaint and down to earth area with pockets of interesting mom and pop shops here and there. and i like it that it's still central/in town, but still nestled in a neighbourhood. my kinda thing. plus, it has an abundance of good food. after pilates in the office with shirls (my new colleague) yesterday, we literally skipped to swee choon for amazing dimsum.

the conference has had me shift some perspectives in the area of my vocation - the priorities that i place at the workplace and soothing that disconnect about impact. even though yes, workplace is my ministry, i feel this tugging at the back of my mind for people groups that i feel so burdened for. case in point - since the start of this year, i've put tuition on sundays at the KGCC on hold - but i feel something gnawing away at my heart everytime i bump into them around the neighbourhood, or when i talk to gabriel on facebook - there is still that burning desire to be a part of their life, to love them and to guide them. they inspire me so too. i've made the decision to go back soon!

families - i've always known that i would someday serve them. partly because i've been through brokenness, partly because i know loneliness to be life's greatest poverty (and a loving family prevents that), partly because i've seen how my family has been transformed by God since jie and i came to know Him, partly because i strongly believe in strong families for a strong society. for some time when my life was crazy busy in the past year, my heart grew cold towards things/situations that i would observe in public that i would have cared about before. i didn't like that new self. lethargy of work had hardened me to care for my own well-being, and i didn't go to God to renew my heart.

a couple of weeks back, i was walking to get dinner around my estate and i bumped into a middle-aged couple along the way. the man was on the ground clutching at his leg and crying out in pain, and his wife was standing around, with her bags on the floor, waiting for his pain to go away. i gathered that he must experience it quite often, since the wife didn't seem too fazed that he was in extreme agony. i asked them whether they would like me to call a cab. through that communication barrier (they spoke mainly Malay, and little English. thank God Malay lessons have come in a little handy for there were parts that i could mildly decipher. more reason to up my skills), i gathered that

1) they didn't want to seek treatment as they didn't have enough money
2) they were homeless, and temporarily staying in void decks around my estate (they didn't look like they had been staying out for long, so it was probably a recent occurrence)
3) they've tried to get help from the MP, but nothing has been done yet (i couldn't get to the details of the issue, but it's probably a complex case that goes deeper than the surface)
4) that guy was still in extreme pain

i couldn't just leave them there like that and walk away without helping him. and i must admit, prayer being the first line of healing, was my last line in this case. i mustered up my courage and asked him whether it was ok that i prayed for him. he got slightly better after that, and kept thanking my profusely. i later gave them my number, and told them to contact me if they had any problems. tried to buy them dinner, but they were gone by the time i came back.

if ever had i done this before knowing God, the situation would have made me depressed knowing there were souls out there who needed help, but there was this much that i could do in this world. as i left them, even though a part of me still felt that i could have done more to ease their situation, a huge part of me felt comforted that as long as i continue praying for them two, God will intervene to help them as well. that i'm doing this with Him; i am not alone.

this one incident made me realise how families break my heart. even more specifically, vulnerable families.

a few years ago, i was scarred by a particular experience with an old lady. right now, i know that God is moving me past that, to renew my heart for them again.
hola 你好 selamat datang