Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Neither rhyme nor rhythm, prose nor poetry

 What! You too? I thought I was the only one.   
- C.S Lewis 
an improbable friendship, but which proved to be special. the kind in which, you couldn't quite put a finger as to what made it so special. but it is.

bouncing sadness and happiness around that dissolve the former and magnify the latter. just 2 months, and we've pretty much shared things in life that we've never to people whom we've known for the longest time. i understand the things she says that people do not. gone music seeking, grocery hunting, kopitiam hanging till wee hours of weekday nights. i don't know why simple things like sharing a subway sandwich, a conversation with random people we meet, sitting beside each other occupied with our respective pamper necessities (the oxymoron) mulling over the idiosyncrasies of life- such simple things but truly the ones that make me happy.

and if i picked a pebble for every amazing friendship that God has blessed me with

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hola 你好 selamat datang