Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Almighty is your name

Amidst the back-breaking, weekday nights/ weekend filled work nights (again)..

I've chosen to declare this:

"My greatest honour will always be, to serve my Lord and King."

i know #onlyGod now seems to follow every testimony in church. there is great risk that i sound like a cliche cheeseball, but it's still true. somehow, no matter how i choose to run far away from Him and blame Him for putting me in this place, every solution and answer seems to point back to Jesus.

oh well, i am secretly glad.

Monday, February 27, 2017

la dee dah.

Got our raw wedding footage over the weekend! 

Wasted a good few hours reliving those memories and laughing over our speeches. Okay, I feel like I really wanna blog about our wedding day soon. Heh.
hola 你好 selamat datang